Fragile Agility and the Tyranny of Project Schedules

Larry Schoeneman
The Startup
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2019


Tell me if you’ve had this happen to you. You have a team of great developers ready to do great work. You are all agile enthusiasts and want to produce increments of reusable software in quick succession of high quality. Your releases are planned. The product owner has weighed in. Your initial sprints are set up. You are an Agile god!! The sun is shining, and its going to be a great day…

Then that asshole from sales sells a feature you don’t even have on your road map. Of course, he says its available now. The CTO says “This is now the…



Larry Schoeneman
The Startup

Software developer, technical leader, agile evangelist and all around technical pain in the ass.